Saturday, November 22, 2008

Open Your Eyes

I actually don’t have any idea what to blog about, and so as I was thinking about a probable topic, I encountered this line from The Little Prince.

“What is essential is invisible to the eye.”

We often say that life’s not fair. And it's rare for a day to pass by without us complaining such as why is it raining? Why is it so hot today? Why am I given this? Why am I made to do that? Why did I forget? Why??

We’re not happy because we don’t always get what we want, and things don’t always go the way we want them to. Not thinking that if it is the other way around, say our desires and wants keep on coming and taking place then everything would be so predictable, and life wouldn’t be worth living anymore.

However, we shouldn’t let this stop us from being happy. We can be happy and that’s for sure. If only we learn to appreciate what life brings. Indeed, life doesn’t come cheap, but it comes with lots of good things to be happy about too. We just need to open our eyes and really see.

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